Ideas for Gourmet Cooking on a Budget

Posted on December 11th, 2009 by Deb in Gourmet Tips and Ideas

When people hear the word “gourmet,” they automatically think of adjectives like “delicious” and “expensive.” It is true that gourmet foods are both delicious and expensive, but the truth is you can cook gourmet foods even if you have a limited budget.

For you to prepare great and affordable gourmet meals, you should know some ideas for cooking gourmet on a budget. If you are imaginative, practical, and resourceful enough, you will be able to prepare delicious gourmet foods without putting holes in your pocket. Here are some great ideas for gourmet cooking on a budget.

  • The first thing is to make a list of your gourmet menu for the week or for the day, depending on how often you cook gourmet meals for your family. And once you have planned your gourmet menu, gourmet-mac-and-cheeseset a budget for each meal. It is also important to list down the things that you need to buy before you go to the grocery or supermarket so that you will not end up buying things that you do not really need.
  • You can buy items in bulk only if you are planning to cook the meal everyday, which is very unlikely. You will save more money if you buy a few items at a time, or if you only buy the amount that you need. Moreover, gourmet cooking means you have t use fresh ingredients. And if you buy products in bulk, they will not be fresh after a day or so.
  • One of the most useful ideas for gourmet cooking on a budget is to start your own herb garden. Gourmet cooking will not be complete without fresh herbs. And the freshets herbs that you can get are the ones that you directly picked form your own garden. They are not only fresh. You are also sure that the herbs are clean and organic.

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